To start off, congratulations on your new tiny family member!

It is a huge honor to be able to work with individuals in all stages of their lives, but being able to play a role in the healing of women and the guidance of pregnancy holds such a special place in my heart. Throughout my time as an acupuncturist, I have continually focused on the core of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and treating individuals holistically. When treating pregnancy patients, this doesn’t change but adds another layer to the treatment.

While I typically will hone my focus into creating a treatment plan to surround your healing journey, pregnancy adjusts this slightly – I will be creating a treatment plan to heal you, which in turn will treat your baby simultaneously. Focusing on a routine pregnancy treatment, we work on optimal wellness for both mother and baby during pregnancy and preparation for a healthy labor and delivery. During this time, we will work together on specific meridians and are able to incorporate western symptoms (morning sickness, fatigue, emotional imbalance, etcetera) to ensure both of you are at your best to prepare for labor.

All too often, I see parents push their physiological and psychological needs aside for the sake of their children – earthside or not. While I COMPLETELY understand putting your children’s needs ahead of your own, I am here to support you in prioritizing your health because YOUR health is your BABY’S health.

By taking time throughout pregnancy (and after), we are able to

Decrease stress and anxiety

Focus on elimination and prevention of low back and pelvic pain

Optimize fetal positioning by bringing your body into alignment

Decrease pain and length of labor

Increase your ability to have a natural birth

Focus on hormone balancing

Be a support system throughout the process



You may have considered having a birth doula or a postpartum doula, but seeing a specialist on a regular basis during your pregnancy (especially if it’s your first pregnancy), can be like having a ‘pregnancy doula’!