What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that dates back 5,000 years ago. It is an art, science and philosophy rooted in Chinese tradition. It is one form of medicine for treatment of disease. Extremely fine gauge needles are inserted into the skin at different points to remove blockages and to support and build health in the organs and their corresponding pathways. The placement of needles regulates the flow of energy or Qi (pronounced ‘CHI’) within these pathways to restore balance and health. Acupuncture treatment may also include ancient techniques such as moxa, guasha, TuiNa (massage), herbal therapy, and cupping.

Does it Hurt?

We expect no pain from the needling. Sometimes you may feel a little pinch as the needle goes in but after that there should be no pain. People have different levels of sensitivity and some may feel the needling more than others. There are different sensations that are considered normal from the needles such as tingling, a slight electric sensation, warmth spreading or just the presence of the needle. These are all normal sensations but not pain.

What does it Feel Like?

The insertion of the needle is typically painless. This sensation varies. It  is often  described as a dull, heavy sensation that tingles or feels warm. Some experience a feeling of movement, which in Chinese is referred to as ‘De Qi’. When this occurs in the pathway , flow of Qi is unblocked and the patient can feel movement in that area. The needles used in acupuncture are so small that they can fit inside the needle a doctor uses in giving a shot. The needle is inserted superficially and proper study is done of the specific locations and their anatomical structures. 

Is it Safe?

Acupuncture treatment administered by a board certified licensed professional is absolutely safe. Single use sterilized disposable needles are used and we are certified in Clean Needle Technique.

Who do you Treat?

I treat all ages, cultures, religions, and genders. And I speak Spanish too!